
For a list of the key adult leaders of Troop 54, please click on the tab for "Contact us".


Scouts - all scouts, alphabetical - as of 7/04/24   Click to download

Scouts - by patrol - as of 7/04/24

  Dragon Hedge Hog Lynx Owl Phoenix Tiger Viper

Adult Troop Leaders - as of 7/04/24       Click to download

Correction?   Troop 54 uses the "ScoutBook" software system to track membership and address info.  If the information for your family is incorrect in the rosters above, please send the correct info to Monica Trevino at  Or, if you have established a link to the ScoutBook datebase, you can update your contact info yourself in that system.  Any updates will show on this website when new rosters are next posted.

Password access   The rosters are password protected.  Hint:  all users have the same User Name, and the password is the first name of the current Senior Patrol Leader (all lower case) followed by "5454".  If you need further help in gaining access, please contact the Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chair or Registrar (shown under the tab "Contact us").