Covid Policy at Troop 54
Troop 54 has a three-level plan for conducting the BSA program during Covid-19. This is based on a Red, Yellow and Green phased system. The current phase is re-visited by the Troop Committee regularly, and agreed based on circumstances at the time and guidance from relevant authorities.
Troop 54 protocols remain in-line with the policy of St. John the Divine, Troop 55, our local schools, and other authorities. As such, masks are currently optional during Troop meetings, patrol meetings and other Troop events. Those who are not fully vaccinated are strongly encouraged to wear a mask for Troop meetings and other close-quarters contact in groups. Everyone is welcome to continue wearing a mask, and we urge families to make their own decision on this taking into account family circumstances. For transportation to campouts, van pools are an option as each family decides. At campouts, scouts can participate in patrol cooking, again as each family decided, and scouts are encouraged to tent with another scout from their patrol within 2 years of their age. The Troop 54 Committee will continue to revisit our Covid response monthly.
For further information regarding the troop's Covid policy, please contact Alan Clark, the Troop Committee Chair, at or 713-725-3798 (cell).